Thursday, April 26, 2012

three Legitimate fears, and how I got that way.

{Day 2 of the 30 for 30 challenge}

Fear one: Clowns.
The vast majority of my fears stem from the nightmares I have been plagued with my entire life. When I was about 6, I started having a recurring nightmare that I was stuck in a wooden maze, being chased by a psychotic clown on a tricycle. 
I mean honestly, how could anyone not be terrified of that thing?!
the maze was one that i'd think I found a way out, and suddenly a board would slide down, blocking my way, and I'd have to turn around. 
yeah... messed up dream for a 6 year old.
I still get sweaty palms whenever clowns are around. at a princess party we did last week, there was a clown making balloon animals, and I just about lost it. 

Fear two: The Dark.
I know, I know... I'm still afraid of the dark. Its a little bit ridiculous. 
I can't sleep if its completely pitch black.  which is going to cause a problem when Shad and I are married, because he can't sleep unless it IS completely pitch black.
but I guess by then I'll have someone there to keep me from the monsters in my closet ;) 

Fear three: ghosts.
I have an absolutely paralyzing fear of anything that might be haunted. Maybe I've seen to many scary movies, or watched too many episodes of "The Worlds Most Haunted Places". I do believe in ghosts, and I believe that there are some that are here just because, and others that are here for bad reasons. 
I have never actually witnessed a ghost or anything like that, but I know people who have. Just ask Shad about the house he used to live in. Just the stories they have of that house give me the Heebie Jeebies.  I have been in a room when an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) was recorded.  It was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. Not to mention the recording was fairly hostile... I was just sure I was going to die at any moment. 
never ever again. 

So there you have it. my three worst (somewhat legitimate) fears. 

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